Why We Take Resolution Into Consideration In Sublimation Printing?

In sublimation printing, the resolution is an important indicator to judge the quality of the printing result. Without the right resolution, the images you print will look blurry and out of focus. So no matter you want to choose an inkjet printer, or select a images to print, the resolution should always be taken into consideration.
sublimation printing

Normally Web graphics are 72 dots per inch (dpi) and printed graphics are 300 dpi. Because web graphics need to be small in size so that it can be downloaded and viewed quickly. On your computer screen, 72 dpi is enough resolution, however when you print the images/graphics on paper or any other substrate, it will require approximately 300 dpi (more than 3 times the acceptable screen resolution). So if the graphic has a low resolution, the result of printing won’t be good.

For inkjet printers, there will always be an introduction about their resolution in the specification tables. As we said before, higher resolution usually means higher printing quality.
t-shirt printing

Here are some tips on resolutions:
1.When you print onto the hard substrates, it will be hard to get away with low resolution images, because the smoothness of the surface will show the pixilation more. But if you want to print on the t-shirt, it will be easier to get away with low resolution images
2.Photographs can hide low resolution much better than graphics, text, or solid color images.
3.Don’t be worry if your customers send you the vector files. Because the resolution of most vector graphics are independent and they do not display dpi in your graphics program.

Good sublimated products usually looks beautiful.If you use low resolution inkjet printer or images, you will never achieve it.

More information:
   E-mail: sales@subli-star.com
   Whatsapp: +86 18105155024                                                                                
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